इस बार केदारनाथ यात्रा में घोड़ा-खच्चर, हॉकर व संचालकों के बारे में यात्री पूरी जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकेंगे। इसके लिए प्रशासन द्वारा गौरीकुंड-केदारनाथ पैदल मार्ग पर तीन स्थानों पर कियोस्क स्कैनर लगाए जाएंगे। इस सुविधा से जहां घोड़ा-खच्चरों के संचालन को बेहतर करने में मदद मिलेगी। वहीं, शिकायतों का त्वरित निस्तारण हो सकेगा।
घोड़ा-खच्चरों को केदारनाथ यात्रा की रीढ़ कहा जाता है। लेकिन बीते कुछ वर्षों से घोड़ा-खच्चर संचालन आम यात्री के लिए परेशानी का कारण भी बनता आया है। पैदल मार्ग पर घोड़ा-खच्चर संचालकों की मनमानी से यात्रियों से किराया से अधिक राशि वसूलने के साथ ही अभद्रता की शिकायतें आती रही हैं। यही नहीं, बीते वर्ष यात्रामार्ग पर 351 घोड़ा-खच्चरों की मौत ने पूरी व्यवस्था को ही सवालों के घेरे में ला दिया था। मामला केंद्र सरकार तक पहुंचा, जिसके बाद व्यवस्था में सुधार के प्रयास किए गए। इसलिए, इस बार प्रशासन अपने स्तर से घोड़ा-खच्चर के बेहतर संचालन को लेकर कोई कमी नहीं रखना चाहता है।
इसलिए अब गौरीकुंड-केदारनाथ पैदल मार्ग पर तीन स्थानों पर तीन कियोस्क स्कैनर लगाए जाएंगे, जिससे यात्रा में शामिल घोड़ा-खच्चर, उसके मालिक, संचालक और हॉकर के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिल सकेगी। इन कियोस्क स्कैनर स्क्रीन पर घोड़ा-खच्चर के टैग व हॉकर के पंजीकरण कार्ड को टच करते हुए संबंधित के बारे में पूरी जानकारी मिल जाएगी। यह पहला मौका है, जब केदारनाथ यात्रा में यह तकनीक अपनाई जा रही है।
इस तरह से काम करती है कियोस्क मशीन
कियोस्क एटीएम मशीन की तरह होता है। इसमें कंप्यूटर की तरस हार्ड डिस्क, रैम आदि लगाया जाता है। हार्डडिस्क में पूरा डाटा अपलोड होता है। इस डाटा को एक साॅफ्टवेयर के जरिए इंटरनेट के माध्यम से संचालित कियोस्क स्क्रीन पर प्रदर्शित किया जाता है। जैसे ही अल्ट्रा फ्रीक्वेंसी चिप युक्त कार्ड को स्क्रीन पर टच करते ही एक-एक सूचना प्रदर्शित होने लगती है।
घोड़ा-खच्चर के संचालन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए तीन स्थानों पर कियोस्क स्कैनर लगाए जाएंगे। इन स्कैनर के माध्यम से जानवर से लेकर उसके हॉकर व मालिक के बारे में वह जानकारी मिल जाएगी, जो उसने पंजीकरण के दौरान दर्ज कराई है। इसके अलावा फीडबैक सिस्टम भी लगाया जाएगा, जिससे यात्री सुविधाओं का मूल्यांकन कर रैंकिंग कर सकें। इन सुविधाओं के जरिए यात्राकाल में यात्री व्यवस्थाओं को सुधारने में मदद मिलेगी।
– मयूर दीक्षित, जिलाधिकारी रुद्रप्रयाग
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Fantastic job! Will there be more content like this? Hoping for your reply!
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Really appreciated your article. Adding visual elements could be a great improvement. Check out my website for some inspiration.
Spectacular work! Can I apply to write for you?
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Wow, this article really opened my eyes! Learned so much from it.
Superbly crafted content, a few extra images would be wonderful!
Engaging read, some more 📸📸 would add clarity!
Amazing writing! Should you need an extra writer, I’m here and ready to join
Loved the detail, how about more pictures next time to illustrate the points better?
Outstanding analysis, incorporating additional visuals could enhance the overall impact of your work?
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If I could create with the same eloquence as this article, I’d be proud of my writing. 📝
Brilliant work! Is a sequel on its way? Looking forward to hearing from you!
Cheers to the author for such an inspiring read to kick off 2024! 🥂
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Is the author still active on the blog? We need more posts on this subject!
Fantastic article! The insights provided are valuable, and I think incorporating more images in your future articles could make them even more engaging. Have you thought about that?
Kudos on the excellent article! 👌 The content is insightful, and adding more visuals in your future pieces could make the information even more accessible to a broader audience. 📷
Sangat mengagumkan! Kualitas konten ini sangat istimewa. Penyajiannya sungguh menakjubkan. Anda bisa melihat perawatan dan pengetahuan yang ditanamkan dalam karya ini dengan jelas. Kudos kepada penulis atas pengalaman yang begitu berharga yang telah diberikan. Saya sangat menantikan konten serupa di masa yang akan datang. 👏👏👏
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Stimulating read, a recommended gem!
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🚀 Wow, this blog is like a cosmic journey blasting off into the universe of wonder! 🌌 The thrilling content here is a rollercoaster ride for the imagination, sparking excitement at every turn. 💫 Whether it’s technology, this blog is a goldmine of inspiring insights! 🌟 Embark into this thrilling experience of knowledge and let your imagination soar! 🌈 Don’t just explore, immerse yourself in the excitement! #BeyondTheOrdinary 🚀 will be grateful for this exciting journey through the dimensions of endless wonder! ✨
🚀 Wow, this blog is like a cosmic journey launching into the universe of wonder! 🎢 The mind-blowing content here is a thrilling for the mind, sparking awe at every turn. 💫 Whether it’s inspiration, this blog is a treasure trove of exhilarating insights! #InfinitePossibilities Dive into this thrilling experience of discovery and let your imagination roam! 🚀 Don’t just enjoy, savor the excitement! #BeyondTheOrdinary 🚀 will be grateful for this exciting journey through the dimensions of awe! 🌍
🚀 Wow, this blog is like a cosmic journey soaring into the galaxy of excitement! 🌌 The captivating content here is a captivating for the mind, sparking curiosity at every turn. 🌟 Whether it’s lifestyle, this blog is a treasure trove of inspiring insights! #InfinitePossibilities 🚀 into this cosmic journey of imagination and let your mind soar! 🌈 Don’t just enjoy, immerse yourself in the excitement! #BeyondTheOrdinary Your brain will thank you for this exciting journey through the dimensions of discovery! 🌍
💫 Wow, this blog is like a rocket blasting off into the galaxy of excitement! 🎢 The thrilling content here is a captivating for the mind, sparking excitement at every turn. 💫 Whether it’s lifestyle, this blog is a source of exhilarating insights! #AdventureAwaits 🚀 into this exciting adventure of discovery and let your thoughts soar! 🌈 Don’t just read, savor the excitement! #FuelForThought Your mind will thank you for this exciting journey through the dimensions of endless wonder! ✨
🚀 Wow, this blog is like a cosmic journey soaring into the universe of wonder! 🎢 The thrilling content here is a rollercoaster ride for the imagination, sparking curiosity at every turn. 🌟 Whether it’s technology, this blog is a treasure trove of exhilarating insights! #MindBlown Dive into this exciting adventure of knowledge and let your imagination roam! ✨ Don’t just read, savor the excitement! 🌈 Your brain will thank you for this exciting journey through the realms of discovery! 🌍
💫 Wow, this blog is like a cosmic journey soaring into the universe of endless possibilities! 💫 The mind-blowing content here is a thrilling for the mind, sparking awe at every turn. 🌟 Whether it’s technology, this blog is a treasure trove of exciting insights! #MindBlown Embark into this exciting adventure of imagination and let your thoughts fly! ✨ Don’t just enjoy, experience the excitement! #BeyondTheOrdinary 🚀 will be grateful for this exciting journey through the realms of awe! 🌍
Spectacular, keep it up
wow, amazing
Spectacular, keep it up
nice content!nice history!! boba 😀
nice content!nice history!! boba 😀
wow, amazing
wow, amazing
wow, amazing
Your post brought tears to my eyes, but in the best way possible. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Echoing the sentiments above – this post is a true gem!
wow, amazing
wow, amazing
nice content!nice history!! boba 😀
nice content!nice history!! boba 😀
wow, amazing
Your post is a ray of light in the darkness. Thank you for brightening my day in a unique way. Keep shining!
remarkable day starting with a phenomenal reading 🌄📘
fantastic sunrise commencing with a marvelous literature 🌄📚
wow, amazing
wow, amazing
nice content!nice history!! boba 😀
nice content!nice history!! boba 😀
wow, amazing
wow, amazing
nice content!nice history!! boba 😀
nice content!nice history!! boba 😀
wow, amazing
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lost money
lost money
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I urge you to avoid this site. My own encounter with it was purely disappointment and suspicion of fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or even better, seek out a trustworthy site for your needs.
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Sinohuiyuan provides in-depth journalism and insight into the news and trends impacting facilities management https://sinohuiyuan.com
Grpduk provides news and analysis for human resource executives. We cover topics like recruiting, HR management, employee learning https://grpduk.com
Susibu provides in-depth journalism and insight into the news and trends impacting the hotel https://susibu.com/
Sisanit provides in-depth journalism and insight into the news and trends impacting corporate counsel. https://sisanit.com/
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Janmckinley provides news and analysis for waste and recycling executives. We cover topics like landfills, collections, regulation, waste-to-energy, corporate news, fleet management, and more. https://janmckinley.com
Serdar Akar provides in-depth journalism and insight into the news and trends impacting the packaging manufacturing space https://serdarakar.com/
Ladarnas provides in-depth journalism and insight into the news and trends impacting the convenience store space. https://ladarnas.com
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I strongly recommend steer clear of this site. My own encounter with it was nothing but frustration along with concerns regarding scamming practices. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, seek out a more reputable platform for your needs.
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I highly advise stay away from this site. My own encounter with it has been nothing but dismay along with concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, find a trustworthy site to fulfill your requirements.
I highly advise steer clear of this platform. My personal experience with it was purely frustration and doubts about deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, seek out an honest service to meet your needs.
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